A Collection of Useful Articles for Managed Service Providers

In this post I am sharing some of the articles I wrote for Forbes that could be useful for the readers of my blog.

What Are The Modern Challenges Of Managed Service Providers?
The choice is simple — choose to make changes and grow, or choose the status quo and slowly give away business to more advanced competitors.

Crafting A Winning Cybersecurity Practice For Your MSP
The key elements of a successful cybersecurity practice are regular reviews, updated tools and policies and continuous training of technicians and end customers. A successful practice is never static; it is dynamic and constantly evolving.

The Importance Of EDR Digital Security For SMBs
The landscape of EDR solutions has seen a significant transformation and revolution recently. Advances in AI help to automate security analysis, filtering out benign events and providing only the most important information to IT administrators. Managing EDR solutions no longer requires much advanced training, and even smaller MSPs can offer these services to their customers.

The Top Five Security Vulnerabilities Of SMB
Patching all of these vulnerabilities may seem like a headache. However, the amount of money and time these changes will save you is worth any hassle. Keeping your employees up to date on active cybersecurity policies and using stronger passwords alone could potentially save your business from a devastating attack. If you stay on top of security, your resiliency can outpace your competitors and pay off for years to come.

Understanding The Cybersecurity Threat Of LLMs — And How Businesses Can Respond
AI is still an essential tool to stop malicious actors using AI. Modern security solutions rely on AI to detect suspicious behavior and filter through millions of events. Yet, many aspects of our day-to-day jobs still need to be automated with AI.

Smart Devices And Remote Work: A Potential Threat To Corporate Security
An old joke goes, “The computer was born to solve problems that did not exist before,” so while smart devices do make our lives easier, we have to anticipate that they can also create a whole new set of problems.

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